Support for SMEs > Access to finance
Project / Programme | Company type | Finance type | Type of instruments | Amount | Investment Focus | Short description |
DCFTA programmes | ||||||
SME Finance Facility Phase II
All | Loan | UAH equivalent of EUR 250 000 | All SMEs |
This programme focuses on stimulating low-interest local currency lending, especially for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Ukraine that are not earning foreign currency and cannot afford the high costs of borrowing. |
DCFTA Initiative East
Micro, Small, Medium, Midcaps, Others | Loan, Guarantee, Technical Assistance | a) For Guarantee Facility: Loans up to EUR 5 million; b) For Microfinance Facility: Loans up to EUR 25,000 | All SMEs |
The DCFTA Initiative East supports the smallest businesses (micro-enterprises with less than 10 employees) with loans through local microfinance institutions, provides finance and business support to the agri-food sector, and supports local banks to help them improve lending terms and conditions (lower interest rates and lower collateral requirements) for SMEs that are looking to invest in modern and innovative technology. |
DCFTA SME Direct Finance Facility
Small, Medium | Loan | Aimed at businesses generating over EUR 1 million in turnover |
This programme is designed to improve access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises, provide long-term financing in local currency, help SMEs identify investments in new business opportunities and assist them in their successful implementation. |
Regional programmes | ||||||
European Fund for South East Europe (EFSE)
Micro, Small, Medium | Loan | EUR 51,309 (Average sub-loan disbursed amount since inception until Q2|2017) | All SMEs |
The fund provides small loans, including in local currency, and assistance to micro (fewer than 10 employees) and small (fewer than 50 employees) enterprises (MSEs), as well as to low-income private households, via local banks. Support is available to MSEs in sectors such as agriculture, industry, trade and services. |
Bilateral programmes | ||||||
Direct finance from the EBRD, supported through the EU4Business initiative
Small, Medium, Large | Loan, Grants | Aimed at businesses generating over EUR 1 million in turnover |
This programme supports Ukrainian SMEs generating over €1 million in annual turnover, offering a wide range of financing instruments including senior loans, subordinated and/or convertible loans, or preferred or common equity. |