European Fund for South East Europe (EFSE)
The fund provides small loans, including in local currency, and assistance to micro (fewer than 10 employees) and small (fewer than 50 employees) enterprises (MSEs), as well as to low-income private households, via local banks. Support is available to MSEs in sectors such as agriculture, industry, trade and services.
Implemented in the Eastern Partnership region by KfW, the EFSE operates through partner lending institutions in each country, including commercial banks, microfinance banks, microcredit organisations and non-bank financial institutions such as leasing companies. They on-lend funds received from the EFSE to the ultimate target group of MSEs and low-income households.
The European Fund for South East Europe operates via partner banks:
MegaBank PJSC
Address: Department of Corporate Client Crediting, 30 Artyoma street, 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine
Phone: (057) 719-44-43, 715-52-64, 714-21-83, 760-20-71
ProCredit Bank PJSC
Address: 107-А Peremohy Prosp., 03115 Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: 0-44-590-10-00
Main office
«А,А1», 4, Leontovicha Str., Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine
tel: +38 (044) 365-00-01, +38 (044) 365-00-02
fax: +38 (044) 365-00-04