Between April 12 and 15, selected Armenian feature film producers took part in the EAVE on Demand Producers’ Workshop in Yerevan, organised by the EU-funded SMEDA project.
EAVE, European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs, is one of the leading training and development providers for producers in Europe, renowned for its EAVE Producers Workshop.
During the intensive training in Yerevan, producers had an opportunity to enhance their know-how on the latest methods and techniques in feature film production, starting from basic planning, selection of topics, and script writing to acquiring funds, and forming strong film producers' unions.
A number of master classes were held for a broader audience interested in film production with the renowned EAVE experts, who revealed the key elements to successful script writing and film production strategies and applying for co-production, including international co-production. Around 100 people participated in these public lectures.
Additionally, a panel discussion was held with Armenian film industry policy makers, including the Deputy Minister of Culture and a member of the National Assembly, to discuss national strategies for the development of the film industry. Examples of countries that have undergone a similar development process were presented by EAVE experts, with cases from Luxemburg, Israel, Croatia, and Italy.
The sessions were facilitated by five EAVE film experts, Linda Beath, Roshanak Behesht Nedjad, Clare Downs and Katriel Schory.
The workshop was concluded by a networking event and diploma awarding ceremony to the core participants of the workshop at the museum dedicated to the famous Armenian film maker Sergey Parajanov.
This workshop was initiated by the Independent Filmmakers' Club of Armenia (IFCA) and supported by the EU4Business SMEDA project, as part of its commitment to develop the Creative and Cultural Industries of Armenia.
The EU4Business SMEDA (Support to SME Development in Armenia) project supports the improvement of the business and investment climate for SMEs in Armenia. It aims to strengthen the private sector, support SME coordination mechanisms, and foster links between research institutions and the private sector, as well as providing access to finance for SMEs.