A Green Paper produced by the Better Regulation Delivery Office, with the support of the EU4Business FORBIZ project, on the state of regulations in the market for metal constructions.
The architecture of modern cities and industrial construction rely heavily on structural metalwork. In Ukraine, about 830 enterprises are active in the sector, ranging from manufacturing to the treatment of assembled constructions. Enterprises in this market produce over UAH 6 billion worth of products for the construction sector.
The report finds that the sector operates in a cluttered and outdated regulatory environment. Its problems are systemic, not only due to ignoring current technological trends, but also to significant gaps in regulation at all stages, from certification procedures and standards to training of skilled designers and licensing of construction operations.
The BRDO says systemic regulatory reform should not only provide the basis for facilitating the entry of SMEs into the market, but also promote modern technological solutions in the construction sector. The establishment and adjustment of regulatory mechanisms will help to unlock the production and export potential of Ukrainian businesses in the structural steel sector, which has the capacity for growth of at least 500%.
The Better Regulation Delivery Office, together with the Ministry for Economic Development and Trade and the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine, with the support of the FORBIZ project, has launched the ProDialogue under the EU4Business initiative. It aims to involve all stakeholders in reviewing regulatory solutions and working out ways to address them. As a result, a series of Green Papers has been developed, which analyse the current state of market issues and potential ways to improve the regulatory environment. A further set of White Papers represents a consolidated product of the groundwork by the business community and expert environment in the form of practical recommendations and suggestions for the authorities in order to improve the regulatory framework.