Improving SME regulations in Ukraine

Improving SME regulations in Ukraine

The FORBIZ project focuses on improving the regulatory framework for SMEs in Ukraine and strengthening government-private sector dialogue

Ukraine’s Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and the EU Delegation to Ukraine have launched FORBIZ, a leading business support project in the framework of the EU4Business initiative funded by the EU.

FORBIZ focuses on three areas: improving regulatory policies, strengthening the capacity of the Ukrainian government to implement effective economic development policies with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises, and establishing a dialogue between SMEs and the government.

Among the expected achievements of the project are a reduction in administrative pressure on SMEs and the creation of a single information web portal on SME regulations. FORBIZ is also planning activities to strengthen the competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises.

The project is also considering setting up a specialised agency for SME development in Ukraine and will promote best SME support practices to regional authorities.

The Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO), an Independent non-governmental organisation, is participating in FORBIZ by engaging a team of legal experts and analysts to create the best regulations in the priority sectors of agriculture, construction, energy, transport and infrastructure, control and surveillance, international trade and information technology. The Better Regulation Delivery Office is funded by the European Union in the framework of the project.

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