SMEDA launches call for mapping of textile and apparel sector in Armenia


The EU4Business SMEDA project (Support to SME development in Armenia) has announced a Call for Applications open to companies, experts or consortia to conduct a sectoral study of Textile/Apparel/Leather/Shoes/Fashion Design businesses in Armenia.

The deadline for applications is 8 November, 2017, 18:00.

The textile and apparel industry is one of the 11 strategic export-oriented sectors in Armenia. However, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the sector operate far below capacities and their products lack competitiveness in regional and international markets. Nevertheless, there is a great potential for development and the Armenian government considers the revival of the sector as a priority and as a means to create jobs, boost value-added trade and expand exports.

The objective of the assignment is to undertake a mapping of all companies, improve the strategy of the sector and strengthen the cooperation among companies by establishing a cluster.

Specifically, the study will comprise:

1) Mapping of the sector,

2) Analyses of the sector,

3) Organising of Round Tables, Workshops and Meetings with stakeholders and other activities as stated in the Terms of Reference.

The EU4Business SMEDA project supports the improvement of the business and investment climate for SMEs in Armenia. It aims to strengthen the private sector, support SME coordination mechanisms, and foster links between research institutions and the private sector, as well as providing access to finance for SMEs. 


SMEDA opportunities page

Terms of Reference