EU4Business Country Report 2019 - Armenia

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EU4Business Reports
This EU4Business country report offers an in-depth assessment of the current macroeconomic and business environment in Armenia including that in which SMEs operate. Particular emphasis is therefore on development of SMEs in the country and how has EU4Business project portfolio supports that objective. 
The EU4Business Secretariat prepared this fourth Country Report to analyse the developments and achievements of the EU4Business Initiative in each of the Eastern Partner countries (EaP). Research across the sections of the report looks at the four key pillars of EU4Business and assesses progress and makes recommendations that are relevant for Armenia.
Detailed results of the SME focus group assessment and the stakeholder roundtable, with the suggestions based on these results, are also provided in the report. The materials presented will support the reform discourse in Armenia, contributing to further enhancement of the SME climate and regulatory framework.