
A Green Paper produced by the Better Regulation Delivery Office, with the support of the EU4Business FORBIZ project, on regulation of the market for natural gas supply. The research focuses on the identification and analysis of the problems of the application of regulatory tools in the retail market for natural gas, in particular:

An assessment of the ICT sector in Georgia, produced by the EU4Business project ‘SME Development and DCFTA in Georgia’. The report evaluates current operating conditions, key growth constraints, and opportunities to create synergies through cluster development.

The aim of this study of the Textile and Apparel Industry – produced by the EU4Business project ‘SME Development and DCFTA in Georgia’ – was to conduct an actionable, comprehensive industry analysis of the industry in Georgia, and to highlight opportunities for increased trade and integration with EU and other international markets.

An assessment of the film post-production sector in Georgia, produced by the EU4Business project ‘SME Development and DCFTA in Georgia’. The study examines the context of the sector, conducts a mapping of the value chain, reviews available incentives and opportunities and provides recommendations for development of the sector.