On December 11, 2019 the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with SME Development Office of MEDTA (SMEDO) and EU4Business/FORBIZ project will organize the Third Annual National SME Development Forum 2019: GROWING TOGETHER in the framework of European SME Week in Ukraine. The Forum is a closing event of the SME Week.
This event will bring together over 500 SMEs, business support organizations, as well as, the representatives from the Government, international donor community and financial institutions, making it the biggest national event spearheading the development and growth of SMEs in Ukraine.
The main goal of the event is to highlight all available SME support instruments from the different organization and projects especially EU programs such as Enterprise Europe Network, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, Horizon 2020 and programs under the EU4Business initiative implemented by national and EU intermediary organizations. Ukrainian SME’s will be able to participate in plenary session, pitching panel of over 20 available business development support instruments, explore newly launched SME portals and platforms (sme.gov.ua, MEREZHA, inspections.gov.ua) and 6 parallel workshops, featuring engaging keynote speakers and SME experts who will provide their tips, suggestions and share their experience in delivering business development services, support creation of successful business models. This is great opportunity to create a network of unique, targeted contacts at the Forum’s marketplace of 5 networking and advisory zones: access to online instruments, access to finance, access to knowledge, access to markets, and access to effective regulation and strengthen chances for development and growth of successful business in Ukraine!