Opening of business incubator in Cahul, Republic of Moldova


With EU support, a New Business Incubator will be opened in Cahul to stimulate local economy.

On 17 August 2017, the Moldovan SME Sector Development Organisation (ODIMM), with support of the EU-funded “Technical Assistance for the Implementation of the DCFTA” Project (DCFTA SRC TA Project) will launch a new EU-funded Business Incubator in Cahul. Once fully active, the Cahul Business Incubator will host up to 24 residents, all of them local manufacturing/service small and medium-sized enterprises. At present 14 Business Incubator residents are ready to start their business in various fields including: the production of apparel and leather articles, car covers, pastry products, opening a business café, a bicycle rental and bicycle tours/trips agency, etc. All residents will have access to a wide range of business support services including but not limited to business training, business advice and counselling, as well as managed workspace units.

Date, time and location

17 August 2017, 11:00, Cahul city, Republic of Moldova


EU Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova and Moldovan Government authorities


Cahul city
Cahul city