Leadership in action: EU4Business workshop for women entrepreneurs

Leadership in Action: Female leaders as the agents of change
12/11/2018 to 13/11/2018

Women entrepreneurs are invited to sign up for a four-day workshop on business leadership, organised by the Kropyvnytskyi Business Support Centre and the EBRD, as part of the EU4Business initiative. The workshop is broken down into two modules, on 12-13 November, and 3-4 December.

The deadline for registration is 10 November 

The course – ‘Leadership in Action: Female leaders as the agents of change’ – has been especially developed for female entrepreneurs.  It is interactive and includes practical exercises and real examples that demonstrate techniques and leadership styles.

The workshop will help participants to:

  • identify the importance of leadership;
  • understand whether you are a leader now and what kind of leader you can become in the future;
  • identify methods and appropriate leadership style, as well as your own targets;
  • develop a road map for business based onpriorities;
  • find a balance between professional and personal life;
  • effectively manage changes in work and personal life;
  • exchange practices to increase personal effectiveness and productivity of employees.

The Kropyvnytskyi Business Support Centre is part of the EU-funded Network of Business Support Centres, implemented in Ukraine by the EBRD, with the aim of improving improve the competitiveness and bankability of Ukrainian SMEs through the provision of business advice and capacity building. At least 30,000 SMEs and entrepreneurs will benefit from the project.


12-13/11/18 and 3-4/12/18, 10:00-17:00


The deadline for registration is 10 November 

Contact: +38 (050)-612-33-98 or bsc.kropyvnytskyi@gmail.com

Cost of participation: UAH 3,285 

79-A, Preobrazhenska Str.