The EU4Business Fruit Garden of Moldova project - part of the EU-funded DCFTA Initiative East implemented by the European Investment Bank – will be present at Moldova Fruit Day on 6 July. The event takes place in Moldova’s Florești district, and is an opportunity to meet the country’s top fruit producers and get acquainted with new financing opportunities for investments.
Organised by the MoldovaFruct, the Moldovan association of Fruit Producers and Exporters, the event takes place at Domulgeni village in Florești district from 10 am to 6 pm.
Participants will be able to:
- Take part in practical and master-class demonstrations directly in apple, plum and cherry orchards;
- Present their products, services, technology and equipment;
- Attend theoretical presentations of up to 30 minutes in the training room;
- Meet exhibitors who include:
- supply companies for the fruit production and processing sector:
- Service providers, equipment for orchard works;
- Suppliers of plant protection products and fertilizers;
- Providers of irrigation equipment and installations;
- Equipment and tools for manual work in orchards;
- Providers of seedlings and other accessories for orchard establishment;
- Professional services specialized in the production and storage of fruits.
The DCFTA Initiative East– funded by the EU under the EU4Business initiative – aims to strengthen economic development in the countries which have signed an association agreement with the EU - namely Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine - by providing targeted financial and technical support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in these three countries.
Visitors do not need to register. Sponsors should register with the CEO of Moldova Fruct, Mr. Iurie Fala
Contact persons:
Iurie Fala - 069366424
Liliana Beregoi - 068569393