Challenges and opportunities: future of IT industry in focus at FORBIZ debate


The EU4Business FORBIZ project in Ukraine is hosting a platform for discussion – IT Future Talks – in Kyiv on 19 October, bringing together IT industry leaders and government to discuss the future of the industry, the opportunities and hurdles as it develops.

The IT industry is one that is still not dominated by an oligarch, in which the capitalisation of companies is in line with the recognised business giants of the country, in which starting salaries are 5 times higher than the minimum wage. The platform will discuss the real state of affairs in the industry, the finer points of regulation, and as well as the barriers and challenges that hinder its development.

The Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO) will present its green book on “Regulation of the IT sector of Ukraine”, developed within the framework of the FORBIZ project, followed by a debate on ‘IT business in Ukraine: Marathon of Opportunities or Hurdle Race?’

Speakers will include Finance Minister Oleksandr Danyliuk, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Maksym Nefiodov, Oleksandr Danchenko, the Head of the Parliament Committee on Informatisation and Connection of Ukraine, Oleksandr Ryzhenko, Head of the State Agency on E-Governance, as well as Yurii Antoniuk, who is the Head of the Association “IT Ukraine” and head of EPAM Ukraine, Taras Kytsmey, the co-founder of SoftServe, and Oleksii Honcharuk, Head of the Better Regulation Delivery Office.

Part of the EU4Business initiative, the EU-funded FORBIZ project supports Ukraine’s reform agenda and its economic recovery by proposing a systemic change to a more business-friendly environment with a particular focus on SMEs. The project seeks to steer a shift in policy towards greater recognition of SMEs and the vital role they play in economic recovery, while addressing the challenge of reducing regulatory burden and lessening risk for businesses. 




Participation is free of charge. Participants should register online.

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