Business Territory : Women’s Vision conference in Belarus

The first national women entrepreneurs’ conference “Business Territory: Women’s Vision” are held in Minsk on the 8th of August 2017

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development invites you to participate in the first national women entrepreneurs’ conference in Minsk.

With financial support from the European Union under EU4Business Initiative, Sweden and The Early Transition Countries Fund, EBRD knows that women entrepreneurship plays a key role in creating jobs and driving economic growth. They firmly believe that creating equal opportunities for women in business is not only a question of gender equality, but also an economic priority. That is why they go out of their way to help women entrepreneurs succeed and be more engaged in business.

Well-known professional speakers of women entrepreneurs’ community will share their experience and knowledge in leadership, management, high technologies, and innovations.

This event has no commercial objective. The donors offer preferential fees for participation.


07/09/2017, 9.00-18.00


Double Tree by Hilton Minsk (Ballroom), 9 Pobediteley avenue, Minsk

For detailed information and registration, please, follow the link.


Double Tree by Hilton Minsk (Ballroom)
Double Tree by Hilton Minsk (Ballroom)
220004 Minsk