A conference takes place in the Belarusian capital Minsk on 13 June on the theme of ‘Business & Consulting: the power of dialogue’.
The conference is organised by the Belarusian Association of Management Consultants with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), with funding from the European Union in the framework of the EU4Business initiative.
The conference will bring together:
- 7 cases from business executives
- 50 + ideas and tools
- 50 management consultants / professionals in various fields of knowledge
- 100 businessmen.
For the managers and owners of businesses it promises answers to the following questions:
- How to find the right answers quickly when challenges and risks are growing?
- How to teach a team to act differently?
- Where to find good expertise?
- How to evaluate the work of an outside professional?
Click here for full details and registration.
Beijing Hotel
36 Krasnoarmejskaya Street
220030 Minsk